Start ditching the toxins in your home with this simple switch!

Want to start ditching the toxic products in your home but don’t know where to start? Start with your laundry!
Your skin is your largest organ, and it’s very good at absorbing what you put on it. This not only applies to the soaps and lotions you use, but whatever you use to wash your clothes will also end up on your skin and in your body. Most commercial laundry detergents are full of toxic ingredients that wreak havoc on your body, from skin irritation to carcinogens.
This stuff is the bomb. It’s free of toxic ingredients, is made with all plant ingredients and oils, works super well, and leaves my clothes smelling great with a light citrus scent. My skin is very sensitive, and I’ve never had any irritation from this detergent. And, like most other young living products, it’s super concentrated, so one bottle can be split into two and will last you for months.
Want to start making the switch with Thieves? Shoot me a message and we can set up your own starter bundle!