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Essential Oils & Cramps

Updated: Jan 7, 2022

How can oils effect menstrual cramps? Read on to find out!

There’s an oil for that! These three oils come in clutch when I feel cramps coming on. I drop a drop or two of each right on my abdomen over my uterus and ovaries and rub it in. Check this out:


Lavender is linked to improved sleep and lowered pain levels. It also acts as a relaxant and vasodilator, among other things. A placebo-controlled clinical trial has even found lavender to be a safe and effective treatment option to help manage migraines!


Peppermint has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, helps with digestion, and due to the menthol found in it, it causes a cooling sensation which is oh so welcome when you have cramps.


Lastly, sclaressence is an oil blend that contains clary sage, peppermint, spanish sage, and fennel. Clary sage has shown in two studies to be effective in providing relief from primary dysmenorrhea (painful periods). Fennel has been found to reduce both frequency and intensity of uterine contractions on rats, and has been used by women traditionally to help manage cramps and painful periods. The sclaressence blend as a whole it formulated to support your estrogen levels naturally, and estrogen is largely at play during the first part of your cycle.

I think that that all is so fascinating, that just an oil from a plant can have such a profound effect on your body. In my personal experience, sometimes using these three oils is enough to keep my cramps at bay. But since I have PCOS and (probably) endometriosis, sometimes I also have to use other pain management methods along with the oils. Every body is different! If you have these ones on hand, give it a try!

**Young living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This is not intended to be taken as medical advice - always do your own research! All of the above information was taken from the following two books: “The Healing Power of Essential Oils” by Eric Zielinski, D.C. and “Essential Oils pocket reference 8th edition”, published by Life Science.


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